Ridhi Puppala
Hello visitor! I am Ridhi Puppala, a final year student of IIT Madras pursuing an Interdisciplinary Dual Degree, B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and M.Tech in Robotics.
Hello visitor! I am Ridhi Puppala, a final year student of IIT Madras pursuing an Interdisciplinary Dual Degree, B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and M.Tech in Robotics.
I am Ridhi Puppala, a final year student at Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) pursuing an Interdisciplinary Dual Degree Robotics program (B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and M.Tech in Robotics). Over the years at IIT Madras, I have developed a deep interest towards Robotics, Controls, Vision, Machine Learning and related areas.
Here’s a list of areas that fascinate me:
To summarize, I love to solving fundamental problems in Robotics and Interlligent/Autonomous systems using theortical concepts and other mathematical tools. I am not only restricted to theory, but also actively implement and validate algorithms that forge autonomy, intelligence and self-sufficiency to robots. I am well vered with the simulations and experimental tools in the field of robotics and controls. Extensive engagment with Robotics through academic coursework, projects, internships, research and co-curricular activities have motivated me to pursue a career in Robotics.
I am actively looking for opportunities in the fields of Robotics, Computer Vision, Automatic Control, Machine Learning and other related areas. I am open to Engineering, R&D or Research roles in the above specified fields.
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